

On the Edge Assignment

Original / Edited

    This assignment is called On The Edge.  This image is about having plant grow in the city in LA is very hard. The thing I was supposed to accomplish in this assignment is having my subject being near the edge of the image without having the background be to distracting and as well be out of focus. The intended composition for my image is having the dead plants be the primary focus and have the rest of the image be blurred out since it is not the focus of the image. The design elements I used is line (the right side of the wall and the pipe), texture (smoothness of the all and roughness of the ground plane), and form (the form of the planters). The main focal point that I wanted for this image are the dead potted plants on the bottom left of the picture. The reason I wanted those as the main focal point is because I want to convey a message that planting in LA is very hard and the sun destroys the plants and it due to global warming. For the viewer to be focused on the planters I had to keep the planters in focused and the background be blurry and out of focus. Problems that I had was the lighting in my area was very cloudy and smoggy so there was not much of good lighting. What I did in photoshop was I put 3 adjustment layers: Levels, Black and White, and Brightness. The reason for the brightness layer is what I was thinking is that the textures were to blacked out but seeing it again I think I could get rid of it. Levels is there to fic the image a little. The reason for the B/W layer is because I was experimenting with it.

Things Assignment

Original / Edited

  This assignment is called Things. This image is supposed to be a summary of what type of person I am. A person who is interested into sci fi and anime. This thing I was supposed to accomplished in this assignment is that I’m taking a picture of objects one can find in their everyday life with a meaning. My intended composition t this image is to put stuff I had that were my favorite and were common in my household and compile it into an image. Mostly the form of the main subject is on of the design concepts here including the lines and contrast. The focal point in this image is the girl figure in the right if the picture. The way I try to achieve this is by keeping the figure in focused and the background blurry. Since it is in focused it is more eye catching. The problems in this image during the assignment is that I mistakenly put the ISO to high so there is alot of noise and the background is too distracting. I should have more subject matter or less in the background. The adjustment layers I put in were the Black and White and the Levels layers. The reason I put it in to black and white is because I thought that the bright colors in the background would move the viewer’s eyes to the back rather that the main subject. Levels is there to fic the image a little.

HDRI Assignment


Original (can't put in last to images they com out the same)


    This assignment is called the HDRI. What this assignment is about taking 5 pictures of the same subject but having to change the exposure setting by increasing or deceasing the setting from its perfect settings. My composition of this scene is that my subject is my planters that have bright color with my house in the background with dull colors. The reason I did this is that the main subject is filled with bright colors which will catch the attention of the viewer and the background is not interesting since there is not much vibrant colors so the subject has better focus. There is more texture on the plants than the background which is eye catching. I felt that I did achieve the viewers focus in this image dur to the placement and colors in the image. There was not much of a problem for this assignment since the time was early morning and the merge to HDR pro worked.


 Panorama Assignment


  The assignment name is called panorama. What this assignment is about taking 5 pictures of the same scene but having to take a picture of a different section of that scene and not changing the exposure setting by increasing or decreasing. Keep the same exposure settings for all pictures. My composition for this assignment is how some nature can still be alive even in you back yard. With that I decide to take a picture of my backyard with palm trees in the back. The design elements that are used were the texture of all the things in the scene, the other thing is the contrast between black and white. My focal point is the trees in the back. The way that I try to do this is by making everything in focus. Since the surrounding has very structured shapes the trees are the only thing that has an abstract shape compared to the rest of the image. The problems that I had with this assignment in general is that I could not have many opportunities in LA to take pictures due to the pandemic and the protests in this area. The other problem is that the color of the door in the back of the scene is a bright red so I thought that would be too distracting for this panorama. The adjustment layer that I put in this are the levels and the black and white.  In the end it turned out all fine.


